Paint Manufacturing Proof Of Concept


This client wanted to quickly build a proof of concept of its current paint manufacturing process, mixing different liquids, additives and powders in order to create the final product and put it in cans using moving and static tanks. The objective of the client was to understand if AnyLogic was the right tool for them comparing it to Arena with which they had experience. With a successful result, the client was interested in designing the new manufacturing plants using AnyLogic.


The first step to build a solution was to work on the definition of the processes with the client in order to understand how the manufacturing process worked. This is a key activity almost always when a process needs to be developed. The reason is that it is much cheaper and faster to develop and update a process map first because it can be validated before even beginning to generate a simulation, which is much more difficult to change when it’s done. With the process map validated, the simulation modeling development is very straight forward. Figure 1 shows the map of the process and logic of the paint manufacturing activities and priorities.

Figure 1 – Paint Manufacturing Process

The model was developed using AnyLogic with the fluid library, discrete-events and agent-based state charts. All the mixing processes of additives, powders and liquids were simulated. The model also shows the transportation of mix products with moving tanks to the conveyor location where cans were filled and closed. No particular analysis was performed since the client only wanted to develop a proof of concept to be sure that doing this is possible.


The client was satisfied with the outcome that was developed in only a few days. This is important because it shows that it is possible to build very complex processes in a very short time and to show it to the stakeholders to start developing more detailed models. The client was interested in building a team of modelers in the company so using this model as a starting point, a course was made in the company to accelerate the AnyLogic learning curve for employees of the company and to start using it.

Project Features

  • Industry: Paint Manufacturing
  • Model: Fluid Library, Discrete Events, Agent-Based
  • Duration: 1 week