
Warehouse Inbound Logistics

Challenge For this project, we collaborated with a global logistics company specializing in supply chain management, freight transportation, and warehousing solutions across air, land, and sea. They sought to develop a simulation model in AnyLogic to analyze the efficiency of human resources in their inbound warehouse operations. Solution The simulation model served two primary purposes: first, as […]



Material Flow – Safety First

Challenge This project is related to the operations in a set of warehouses. The focus of the project was related to the movement of people and equipment in the warehouse. The equipment are forklifts, pallet jacks, and AGVs that are responsible for moving materials within the warehouse. Moreover, there are trucks that are responsible for transporting materials[…]



Warehouses complex for canned food products

Challenge The model consists of a complex of warehouses for various canned food products. These products are sold to different retail chains. Once an order is placed, a forklift driver drives, or collector walks through the warehouse and collects the products to a designated place. The complex includes four warehouses with no racks. The company wants to[…]



Warehouse with Bins

Warehouse With Bins Challenge This client wanted to optimize the time it takes for a set of operators to do the picking process based on a list of 15 items. The strategy to use was to locate the products with more demand in better positions and compare the resulting time with the time that is currently needed[…]