
Using File Chooser in PLE

The File Chooser is only available on the professional version of AnyLogic. But its functionality is very easy to replicate with a little bit of JAVA magic. To illustrate this, I will create this example using a normal button on the Simulation Graphical Editor (before running the simulation) in order to select an Excel file and make […]



Test your model!!!

You just built a model, everything works perfectly well and suddenly you have a request for a change (minor or major). You make the change; run the model and things look good. But how can you be sure that the model is working well in all possible cases? The larger the model, the more difficult it is[…]



An example on the use of Classes vs Agents in AnyLogic

When you are a JAVA developer, it is common to use classes to work with objects. But AnyLogic provides Agents, that are basically predefined classes with several built-in functionalities to work with entities in a simulation model. A beginner user will always use agents because with them it is very easy to define everything graphically. But sometimes[…]



As a freelancer, what to do when you have nothing to do?

As freelancers, it is very common to be in a situation where you either finished all your projects or you have projects on hold, or you are waiting for the client’s feedback or you are just waiting for a new project to start. What should you do with your time while this is happening? If you are[…]



How to optimize the cost and quality of your project as a client

It is very common for a client to try to make as little effort as possible to obtain amazing results. It is even natural for a client with little experience to assume when hiring an expert, that the expert will do everything they want with very little information. This has been fed with quotes as “It doesn’t make[…]



Complex configuration before running the simulation

Have you ever been in a situation where you want to generate a complex scenario in the simulation experiment but you have no idea how to do it? There are features in AnyLogic that require the simulation model to be on runtime mode in order to work and will not be available in the simulation experiment configuration[…]



Your agent is too big – Memory Issue

Up to this date with AnyLogic 8.3, there is a bug that doesn’t let you generate an agent that has too many elements. The error is caused by the code generation mechanism creating a large constructor of presentation of Main, violating the Java limitation on the method size. The error thrown by AnyLogic is “The code of method[…]



Agent-Based, Discrete-Events and System Dynamics

Before I start, don’t expect me to explain all these methodologies in detail since there is already a lot of material on the web that can help you. Wikipedia is good starting point with the following links if you are interested in the technical details: System Dynamics Discrete Events Agent-Based In business, industrial and socio-economic settings, System[…]