
How to model a robotic arm in Anylogic?

Robotic arms have been a game changer in multiple industries, where each year the use of these, in conjunction with automatic operating algorithms and artificial intelligence, gain more strength. Their productivity, safety and low failure rate make them an interesting alternative. In the modern manufacturing industry, robotic arms have become essential tools in a variety of sectors.[…]



Robotic Arm Library

This library ONLY works with AnyLogic 8.8.5 or superior. If you are using an older version, you will not be able to use this library. You can download the library here: DOWNLOAD If this library was useful to you, consider donating so we can keep developing this and more in the future, click the following link to[…]



Nunavik Food Security

This blog is an extension of the business case you can find here: https://noorjax.com/portfolios/nunavik-ecosystem/ Nunavik, located in the northern part of Quebec, Canada, is a region of stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Nunavik is home to Inuit communities. Inuit are a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic and subarctic regions of Greenland, Labrador, Quebec, Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and Alaska.  This remote area faces[…]



Movement of cash by armored transport

When you build a simulation model, you get to learn how the business work. On this blog we want to show an example on what we learn from the business in one of our projects. You can check the project details here: https://noorjax.com/portfolios/cash-iot/ Armored couriers, also known as armored truck drivers or armored transport professionals, are individuals[…]



AnyLogic Contest #3 – Automated Pallet Rack System

The contest is over and the winners are Guilherme Heinen with this model and Maximilian Selmair with this model, who acheived Level 4. Introduction Pallet Racks in the industry often use automated systems to move pallets around. But AnyLogic doesn’t have any built-in functionality to add these complexities to a process and modelers need to rely on[…]



General Requirements for a Simulation Project

When potential clients (whether it’s a student or a large organization) reach us to make a simulation model, they often ask, before sending any requirement, what does this requirement need to have, in order to be complete enough to evaluate costs, feasibilty and timeline. In 2018, we wrote an article stating how to reduce the ambiguity of[…]