
AnyLogic Contest #3 – Automated Pallet Rack System

The contest is over and the winners are Guilherme Heinen with this model and Maximilian Selmair with this model, who acheived Level 4. Introduction Pallet Racks in the industry often use automated systems to move pallets around. But AnyLogic doesn’t have any built-in functionality to add these complexities to a process and modelers need to rely on […]



General Requirements for a Simulation Project

When potential clients (whether it’s a student or a large organization) reach us to make a simulation model, they often ask, before sending any requirement, what does this requirement need to have, in order to be complete enough to evaluate costs, feasibilty and timeline. In 2018, we wrote an article stating how to reduce the ambiguity of[…]



AnyLogic Contest #2 – Forklift Transportation

The competition is over with the winner Maximilian Selmair as the winner, winning $200 with the best model at level 2. Thanks to all the other participantsLevel 2Elie AbboudPatrick WöheAqeel TariqLevel 1Ankit SahayGonzalo Vladimir Contreras Martinez Introduction One of the most common processes in any warehouse is the movement of objects using forklifts, and these forklifts are operated[…]



An Internship at Noorjax

Joaquín Guzman recently finished an internship at Noorjax for a total of 2 months, where he was able to support the development of simulation models and the validation of these models using data science techniques. On this post we are briefly describing his activities so if you are interested in an internship, this is what you will[…]



AnyLogic Contest #1- Bulk Transportation

Bulkdozer Transportation – AnyLogic Contest The AnyLogic contest #1 is over and we are pleased to announce the winners Emile Zankoul and Pavel Lelis who won $100 usd each. The models they created can be found here for Pavel: https://lnkd.in/eT82Y6p9 here for Emile: https://lnkd.in/etbDDrRc There were only 5 participants, and these are the only 2 models that fulfilled the minimum requirements[…]



Camera Inside an Agent – Possible Problems

Placing a Camera on an Agent The Importance of 3D Animations We all know what 3D animation is, but little is said about how useful it is for the modeler and the stakeholders. An animation can act as a tool for the modeler to correct errors during the development phase, giving access to things that are not[…]



Is System Dynamics Dead or Alive?

I was recently asked if System Dynamics (SD) is dead. And this is in fact an interesting question. In the industry, the use of discrete-events (DE) and agent-based (AB) models vastly surpasses the contribution of SD. And SD seems to be in an eternal struggle to get more popular and it doesn’t seem get enough traction, at[…]



how to get free help?

For some reason, I usually get bombarded with people requesting me to help them with their AnyLogic projects for free. Sometimes I suspect people think I’m an AnyLogic customer service representative. But, I’m not. I have generally very little free time, and the free time I have, I spend time in public forums where my help can[…]